Name: Atsuya.
The Demon God of Dragons. 
Ether Demon.
Magic Type:
Magic: Demon Slayer Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic.
Hybrid Magic: Demon Dragon God Slayer Magic.
Slayer Elements:
 Blood, Fire, Crystal.
Mage Rank:
Guild Name:
Eternal Dragon's.
Guild Rank:
 Guild Master.
Guild Facilities: Bar and Restaurant, Job board, Living Quarters,Showers, Restrooms, Gym, Infirmary and Pharmacy, Guild Master's Office, Second in Command Office.
Guild Location: Island North of Seven same as Guild Master's Home.  
Housing: 2 story mansion with basement and large underground library.
Housing Location: Island north of Seven. 

Atsuya is an Ether Demon similar to that of an Etherious Demon except that he was not made by Zeref, Atsuya does not know his real parents he was left as an infant and found by a female dragon Named Aruurara who raised him as her own and taught him both dragon slayer magic and god slayer magic, as Atsuya grew up he came to learn of his demonic heritage and demonic patterns spread over his back and chest and upper arms a sign that he had also inherited demon slayer magic and by the time he was 20 he had mastered all 3 types of magic's and went off to live on his own and keeping in touch with his dragon mother he took on odd jobs as freelance till the time came that he opened his own guild called The Eternal Dragon's on an island that's just north of Seven and even build a mansion that connected to the guild turning the guild into his true home. Atsuya spends alot of time taking on jobs and missions and taking care of his guild members and even trains new slayers to become stronger. Atsuya may seem very kind and gentle around his friends and family but once in combat that all fades away his heart becomes cold and dark and he has no problem killing his opponent if they mess with him or his guild members. his goal is to become the strongest guild and to protect those he cares about. Atsuya has a secret he has kept from most of the guild except the very few that is the closest to him and has been around him the longest, due to Atsuya's progression and repeated use of his slayer magic he has become a demonic dragon and has learned to retain his humanoid form but can transform into his true dragon form at will. 

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