Name: Markov.
Alias: Grim Reaper
Age: 24.
Race: Human/Cyborg.
Blood Type: Synthetic Blood.
Organization: Anti-Terrorist Group.
Cybernetic Functions: Superhuman strength. Superhuman Agility. Superhuman Speed.  Superhuman intelligence. Built in radar and video communication system. Thermal vision. Heat vision. Night vision.  Targeting system.  Tracking system. Analysis and diagnostics scanner. Enhanced sight hearing and smell. Rage vision (only when in rage mode).
Rage mode:
whenever Markov is overwhelmed or severally injured he goes into a bloodlust rage that turns off his pain sensors and enhances his strength speed and agility. This mode releases the mental restraints Markov has to hold back his lust for killing.
Personal Mech:
Metal Gear Ray X-Wing 534
2 Cybernetic Katana’s. 1 Cybernetic Dagger.
(Katana’s and dagger capable of cutting through nearly any object).


Markov was an undercover agent to follow Steven Armstrong and learn what he was planning but was discovered by Steven Armstrong and was nearly killed after Raiden killed Armstrong Markov was found onboard the Metal Gear EXCELSUS barely breathing Raiden brought him back to the airbase where sunny was as she had a new body ready for Markov as it is the only way to save him. After a few years of training under Raiden Markov became an expert ninja and took Raidens place after he retired. Not long after Sunny became of age she confessed her love for Markov and got married.        

Name: Metal Gear Ray X-Wing 534
Metal Gear Ray XL Functions:
Head: water jet cutter (only when in water). Plasma laser cannon. 
Wings: Quad machine guns (4). AGM-65 Maverick missiles. HEMP rockets / bombs. Stealth cruise missiles. Heat blade.
Chest: Quad machine guns (6). AGM-65 Maverick missile pods (4).
Back: Anti-Air missile pods (4). Nuclear Warhead pods (2).
Tail: retractable spear on the tail tip.
Pilot: Markov. AI system.

Metal Gear Ray X-Wing 534 was designed on Markov’s request. X-Wing is a unique metal gear ray that has 4 wings instead of 2 like the normal version. It is capable of submerging in water and traveling under ground. X-Wing can be controlled either by a pilot or an AI that is active only when Markov wishes. The AI system is an advanced intelligent learning computer that was programed into X-Wing to allow it to aid Markov when he is unable to be in the pilot seat. 

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