Name:Mazaki Ichiyasai
1st Form:human
Monster Rank:S-Class

Mazaki Ichiyasai is a 19 year old who enrolled at yokai academy a school for monsters as he is a werewolf he is accepted into the school he has few friends and tends to get into trouble alot

Name:Mazaki Ichiyasai
Monster Rank:S-Class

~~~~~power's and abilities~~~~

Super Strength & Demonic Power Werewolves possess tremendous physical strength and demonic power, which allows them to easily strike their opponents and the environment with pulverizing, cratering force. Though not in possession of the Vampire's unique energy-to-strength conversion/augmentation process, the Werewolf nevertheless has combat abilities that considerably compensate for that inherent disadvantage.

Super Speed: The Werewolves' signature ability is its incredible speed and agility, which no other monster is capable of matching when the Werewolf is at its full capacity. This ability is tremendously powerful, easily enabling a Werewolf to strike with effectively invisible speed, landing a withering barrage of blows upon an opponent practically instantaneously. This ability also translates into a Werewolf inflicting incredible damage, for the tremendous speed combined with a Werewolf's hardened, fearsome physique generates formidable kinetic impact.

Full Moon Power Boost: The greatest ability of the Werewolf is its influence under the light of the Moon, especially a full Moon. The moonlight boosts the Werewolf's power, depending on the strength and level of the moonlight, and the abilities of the Werewolf in question. When under a full Moon, a Werewolf is powerful and swift to the point that they can match a Vampire in combat, and even outpace their vampiric opponent. This speed and agility is enough to make a Werewolf difficult to hit even for a Shinso-class Vampire. This culmination of the Werewolf's power is potent enough that it is often compared to the Vampire's energy-to-strength conversion/augmentation ability, described as the Werewolf being the 'monster of speed', and the Vampire the 'monster of power.'

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